Thursday, September 27, 2012

QR Codes

I don't see the point in QR codes to be honest. It's like the people who put them up assume that everybody can read them while in reality only a very small minority of people can actually make use of them. I believe that a bar code works just as well.
However I still made a list of 5 QR codes:



I like most of these websites however I don't use Flickr but on the rarest of occasions. Was fairly easy to do but still disagree with it's usefullness.

Elements of Design Prezi

The finished Prezi my group came up with. Pretty good but nobody in my group wanted to be in any of the pictures leaving me the only person visable in many of the pictures. Here is the link:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Phone 5

What's the big deal about the I Phone 5? A good question with a diverse range of answers. People in my opinion do no need to buy a slightly improved product at full price every year. The usefulness of this product also needs to be called to question. One could buy almost any other type of phone for cheaper so what does this I Phone bring to the table? Very little at best but when looked at from the viewpoint as a mobile phone, which it is, it is actually a bad choice. It's bigger than most mobile phones which is excusable but the main drawback is there are no actually buttons to call people with. On a normal phone you pick it up and dial numbers and there you go calling someone. On the I Phone 5 you need to press a button to get the numbers which slows one down considerably. The idea of paying somebody a 1000 dollars to skip in a line to receive this product is ludicrous.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Places I've Lived

I have not lived in many differnt places in my life but I have lived in a few. My first house that I lived in was around SMW. I wasn't right next to it but I was fairly close. When I was around four or five I moved into the SMN area. I lived there until the beginning of seventh grade when I moved to my current home still in the SMN area. I very much enjoy my current home but I did enjoy the second one better for various reasons including the layout of the building.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lemonade Stand Game

I play the lemonade stand game and I found it had more depth than I anticipated. I found it fairly easy but mistakes I made early in the game held me back considerably. Changing prices with the weather is probably my key to success. I would most likey do better if I played again.

Final Screen:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spider-man and RoboCop

A pretty cool photo I created in Photoshop of Spider-man and RoboCop patrolling the streets of whatever city they happen to be in. I didn't make any sweeping changes to the photo but I did make some minor adjustments.

The first thing that I did was change the brightness and the contrast to make it a bit more lively than it originality was. After that I started adding things like the movie playing is now "Finding Nemo" rather than another movie that wasn't as fishy. I then decided that the lamppost needed a hero to guard it so I put Spider-man on top of it. I personally feel that was the best job I did on the photo. If you look really hard next to the large building you will see a man falling down. Unfortunately for him Spider-man is looking the other   way and RoboCop has no way to save him. Speaking of RoboCop he was the final addition to the photo and I feel like he came out fine. The way he is standing does like strange though.

Overall Photoshop is useful and was enjoyable to work with other than trying to cut out the people from their original photos. I think there is far more yet to learn about Photoshop but I think it is a good software.

By the way here is the original photo to compare: